We employ the best software used in the industry to help analyze a wide range of data, and suggest solutions to modern day problems. We have partnered with a large range of Service and Oil companies so we are familiar with how to scale our support efforts to adapt to your needs. We also provide customized reports for each client.
Multi-Finger caliper processing and analysis
PLT - injector, multi-phase production
Customizable reporting with detailed analysis
Time-lapse analysis
3rd party logs processing
Time Lapse Logs
Time lapse logs show the corrosion progression over time and can inform tubing replacement programs.
Magnetic Thickness Detector (MTD), enhanced Pipe Detection Tool (ePDT) and Deformation / Eccentricity (DEC) data is processed and interpreted in our proprietary ViewWell software. The processing modules are a comprehensive, yet easy-to-use package for processing and reporting multi-pipe corrosion. Well Integrity results can easily be integrated into a single comprehensive report with Multi-Finger Caliper, Leak Detection, Cement Bond, and other well data. ViewWell is a sophisticated analysis and visualisation tool that maximizes data value by efficiently identifying and diagnosing well integrity issues.